Machine Learning
Machine learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence, which is learn about how to identifying data. For example, face recognition on Facebook and Google Voice Search. In my opinion, Machine Learning is important. Because, it can help many human’s job. For example, Machine Learning are used on medical field to detect someone’s disease from the existing symptoms, to detect if someone’s has heart disease from electrocardiogram record, or to find what kind of gen that involved on cancer. With Machine Learning, it can be identified easily.
If I allowed to build an application using Machine Learning, I want to build an application that can correct what we say. The application can detect any language from around the world. For example when we start talking in English, they will make some correction about what we say, the grammar, word, and it can suggest the best word to replace the wrong one. The correction will appear on screen. This application can be helpful for students who wants to learn about foreign language, so they can speak foreign language very well.
Farah A’idina
Odd Semester 2016/2017
School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University
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